How to obtain the Living Well with COPD materials?

All of the Living Well with COPD materials are available for downloading from this web site free of charge. However, you first need to create your user account.


Why should I register to have access to some sections of the Living Well with COPD web site?

Over the years, we have developed a multitude of materials within the Living Well with COPD program. These materials include general information pamphlets, brochures and videos. Other materials are for the exclusive use of health professionals. We are also offering adaptations made for some countries specifically and in different languages.

People who register to Living Well with COPD benefit to the access to these materials. By creating an account, users will need to identify themselves as either patients, friends or family members of a patient, general public, or health professionals, and they will need to indicate the country they are visiting from. We use this information to provide you with the most suitable materials to your situation.

Creating an account and choosing to be part of our mailing list will allow us to notify you of the most recent developments as soon as they are on line.


How to create an account to have access to the full Living Well with COPD web site?

Please go to the Sign up section at the home page, and complete the registration questionnaire. You will be identified by your e-mail, and you will be able to create your own password. If you identify yourself as a health professional, we will ask you to indicate your profession and the institution/organization for which you work.

You will be given the choice of joining our mailing list to receive news and updates. Easy password retrieval is offered at the home page. If at any time you need to do changes to your account, or if you want to unsubscribe from our mailing list please visit My account section.

If you would like to completely remove your account, please Contact us.


Which kind of materials will I be able to access once I create my account?

As a health professional from a recognized institution, you will see that two new tabs open at the top of your screen:

• Documentation and Tools: from this section, you will be able to download all the Living Well with COPD documentation that can be provided to patients (e.g. modules, brochures and pamphlets) and other educational tools that can be used to support the education process (e.g. posters, slide presentations, videos); you will also find documentation for the exclusive use of health professionals, such as user guides for individual and group education, and documentation explaining how to support your patients in the long-term behaviour modification. We will be adding documentation specific to different countries, available in many languages.

• User guides: You may use this interactive section to guide your educational interventions. The user guides will support you by explaining how to approach the educational interventions for each topic, for example, how to define objectives with your patient, what kind of questions to ask to verify his comprehension and commitment, and links to supporting material specific to that topic.

You are now able to download, free of charge, the full versions of the Living Well with COPD materials in PDF format. You can save them or print them as necessary.


Why should I join the mailing list?

The Living Well with COPD program keeps growing, and we frequently add new tools and materials to our web site. We therefore recommend that you join our mailing list to be the first to know about these updates.


Can I recommend that my patients create a user account on this web site?

Anyone can join! Patients, family members, friends and members of the general public can also create an account and have access to different materials of the Living Well with COPD program, with the exception of those directed exclusively to health professionals.

Remember: the objective of the Living Well with COPD program is to provide health professionals with the tools to support their patients in their efforts to better manage COPD. As part of this process, you can invite your patients to access the educational material specifically designed for them by creating a user account and logging in to our web site on a regular basis.


Can I make any changes to the materials?

The materials available on the Living Well with COPD website cannot be changed. However, if your country and/or organization is willing to adapt and/or translate the program please review the section on Program translation/adaptation.


Can I get printed materials?

This may depend on the availability of the Living Well with COPD program in your country/region. The best way to know is to contact the designated organization for your country/region.

In Canada, the RQAM is the organization that provides printed materials at a nominal fee.