Module – Keeping a Healthy and Fulfilling Lifestyle
This module will support you in adopting and maintaining healthy life habits and behaviors (such as living in a smoke free environment, exercising and eating a proper diet, getting good sleep habits), doing more of the things you like (such as travelling and participating in leisure activities), so that you will maximize your quality of life.
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Module – Preventing your symptoms and taking your medications
In this module you will learn more about the cause of COPD, things in the environment that make your symptoms worse and how to avoid them, and the actions of the medications available for COPD.
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Module – Managing your Breathing and Saving your Energy
In this module you will learn how your breathing works, and techniques to reduce shortness of breath, and better use your energy. As well, you can learn more about how to clear your secretions efficiently, if this is an issue for you.
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Module – Managing your Stress and your Anxiety
With the help of this module you will identify better the sources of stress in your life and how to better manage your reactions to it. You will learn how to use various strategies and relaxation techniques, and how to communicate assertively.
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Module – Integrating a Plan of Action into your life
Living with COPD means being aware of changes in your symptoms and being prepared to manage them. For instance, would you know what to do in certain situations when your symptoms get worse and who to call to get help? This module will help you to develop a plan of action with the collaboration of your health care team.
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Module – Integrating an Exercise program into your life
In order to live well with COPD it is important to remain physically active and to integrate an exercise program into your regular activities. This module is a guide to start and maintain an exercise program under the supervision of a health professional (often within the context of a pulmonary rehabilitation program).
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Module – Integrating long term Oxygen therapy into your life
Oxygen therapy is an integral part of the COPD treatment for some people. This module explains why you need oxygen, how the oxygen equipment works and how this therapy can help you to live well on a day-to-day basis.
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Module – Being Healthy with COPD
This module is an extended summary of the full program. It covers all the topics from medication, healthy lifestyle, techniques to manage your breathing and your stress, and the action plan.
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Brochure – Summary of the program
With this brochure you will learn the basics of COPD, what are the available medications and how to take them properly, various techniques to help you breathe better and control your stress.
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Brochure – Get moving... breathe easier
The objective of this brochure is to motivate people with COPD and their family to increase their level of daily physical activity on a long-term basis.
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Pamphlet – Plan of Action
As a support to the module “Integrating a Plan of Action into your life”, your health care team could provide you a copy of this pamphlet. It will summarize the contact people to call when you need help, the actions that you need to take to remain stable and the actions you need to take when your symptoms get worse.
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