WEBINAR REPLAYS - eXpand Courses
Watch free webinar replays on our eXpand Courses learning platform.
eXpand Courses is our online training platform, adapted to Exercise & Health professionals. Built to help increase your expertise in respiratory diseases.
Create a FREE account today at www.expandcourses.com in order to access all of our webinar repalys. Receive an attestation of participation of 1 to 2 hours for each event.
Here is a list of all currently available replays:
Health Care Professionals

Helping You Address Patient Hesitancy for COVID-19 Vaccination
Listen to Dr. Alan Kaplan, Dr. Simon Bacon and Dr. Kim Lavoie as they discuss the latest information regarding COVID-19 vaccines and practical tips that can help you support your patients in their decision making process.
Webinars hosted May 26 & 27 2021

Respiratory Vaccination in COPD
Understanding the choices for reducing your patient's risk
Webinar given on March 8th 2019 by Dr. Alan Kaplan

Airway Clearance Techniques in COPD
Understand the benefits of these techniques for your patients
Webinar given on November 27th, 2019 by Isabelle LeClerc

Symptom Management in COPD
Gain the knowledge and tools to better help your patients manage thier COPD symptoms
Webinar given February 2020 by Alexandre Joubert

Optimal Practice and Vaccination Update
Listen to Dr. Jean Bourbeau as he gives an update on vaccination importance for your respiratory patients
Webinar presented on May 7th, 2020

New Year. New. Evidence. New Guidance...What's your resolution to optimize care for your COPD patients in 2021?
Listen to Dr. Jean Bourbeau and Dr. Bryan Ross as they discuss and debate new evidence and recommendations coming from GOLD strategy 2021 and CTS COPD guidelines to optimize patient outcomes
Webinar given January 19 2021

New Year. New. Evidence. New Guidance...What's your resolution to optimize care for your COPD patients in 2021?
Listen to Dr. Jean Bourbeau and Dr. Peter Lin as they discuss new evidence and recommendations coming from GOLD strategy 2021 and CTS COPD guidelines to optimize patient outcomes
Webinar given January 21 2021

A Guide to Using "Living Well with Severe Asthma"
Watch Dr Ronald Olivenstein as he discusses the new Living Well with Severe Asthma program, developed as a tool for healthcare professionals to use with their patients, on their journey towards self-management and living well with their chronic condition
Webinar hosted December 2nd 2020
Fitness Professionals

Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency in COPD
Understanding the implications for your patients
Webinar given on June 7th 2019 by Dr. Miriam Barrecheguren

Symptom Limitation in COPD During Exercise
Gain the knowledge and confidence needed to train individuals with COPD
Webinar given on December 17th, 2019 by Lauren Tracey

Pulmonary Rehabilitation Techniques: A Physiological Rationale
Listen to Dr. Bryan Ross as he explores the importance of Pulmonary Rehabilitation and the possibility of remote training given COVID-19
Webinar presented on July 16th, 2020
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