NEW Updated Module – “Managing your Breathing and Saving your Energy”

October 15, 2019 – Find out more about airway clearance techniques and OPEP devices; a brand-new section added to our learning module “Managing your Breathing and Saving your Energy”.

A vital part of breathing management includes using various airway clearance techniques such as coughing and breathing techniques. Oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) devices are also extremely useful in aiding individuals to eliminate sputum from their lungs and airways in an efficient way. 

Why learn about Airway Clearance and OPEP devices?

In COPD, airways can often be blocked with thick, sticky mucous or sputum. Not only does this make it harder to breathe, it also provides a breeding ground for infections. Using airway clearance techniques and OPEP devices help to remove and loosen the sputum that is in the lungs and airways.

We have just launched an updated version of the Living Well with COPD series module “Managing your Breathing and Saving your Energy” which includes a brand-new section on Airway Clearance Techniques and OPEP Devices.




To access this module all you need to do is log in to your account at and consult the program library at the tab Documentation and Tools (section Modules). Also, feel free to consult the section Learning Activities, where you can find links to educational videos and additional resources.  

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